1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : ?

2024年10月発売予定 October 2024
Price : \TBA- (+tax)

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]

●K847 - 1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : ?

*(現在企画中ですので、発売時期・価格・仕様・構成が変更になる場合があります。 / CG画像はイメージです。必ずしもキット内容と合致するとは限りません。)
*(Product is currently still in design phase: release date/price/instructions for construction/build may be altered for official release. / Images based off CG captures may not accurately reflect that of the final product.)

[ 2024年4月発売 / April 2024 released ]

1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : MS11



- this product is scheduled to be release in September 2024. To place a pre-order please use the link below to contact us using the mail form.
- if pre-orders reach a certain number this product may become out of stock before release as only a limited number will be made during the initial run. Any other pre-orders following will be covered during the next production run. We will stop taking pre-orders/orders completely should the order numbers surpass the maximum production amount.

For pre-preorders, please contact us here

2024年9月発売予定 September 2024
Price : \84,000- (+tax)

[ MS11について -About the MS11- ]

フランスの兵器・航空宇宙関連企業であったMATRA(Mécanique Aviation Traction)社は、モータースポーツ界におけるフランスの覇権を目論むド・ゴール政府の後押しを受け、新設された自動車部門において1960年代半ばからレース活動を開始しました。F1には1967年より参戦、1968年にはフォードDFVエンジンを積んだ"MS10"が3勝を挙げる活躍をみせました。そしてこの年、MS10を擁するセミワークスチームとは別に、"オールフレンチ"を掲げる純ワークスチームがグランプリに登場させたマシン、それが"MS11"です。
MS11は多くのパーツをフランス製で構成し、なかでもMATRA V12エンジンは、60度V型12気筒DOHC4バルブというスペックを持ち、当時のV8エンジンと比べても遜色なくコンパクト且つ軽量、それでいて420HPのハイパワーを発揮するものでした。
MS11のドライバーに起用されたのはF3時代からMATRAチームに所属していたフランス人、ジャン=ピエール・ベルトワーズ。彼がドライヴするMS11は第5戦オランダGPで2位に入り、自身としてもマシンとしても初の表彰台を記録しました。同時期のMS10のグランプリにおける記録には及びませんでしたが、独特のサウンドを奏でるMATRA V12エンジンを搭載し、フランスによるフランスの勝利を目指して戦ったMS11はグランプリ史に刻むべきマシンのひとつといえます。

The MATRA (Mécanique Aviation Traction) company, one of the French company focus on aeronautics and weaponry development in the 20th century, entered the motorsports racing society in mid-1960s, with the support of the Charles de Gaulle administration with a newly established automobile subsidiary.
They joined F1 starting from 1967, and the MS10 provided to the satellite team won 3 champions in the 1968 season with the Ford DFV engine. At the same year, other than the satellite team, they rolled out the MS11 for the all-French factory-backed team.
Many of the parts which constructing the MS11 are made in France, and the MATRA V12 engine with 12 60 degrees V-cylinder and DOHC4 valves , generating 420 horsepower that as powerful as the V8 engines at that time but lighter and more compact.
The driver of the MS11, Jean-Pierre Beltoise, the French who raced under MATRA team starting from F3 racing. He finished at 1st runner up in the Dutch GP, and standing at the victory stand for the first time.
The results of MS11 may be less shiny as the MS10 at the same season, however, with the unique engine sound of the MATRA V12 engine, and with their “made in France, win for France” spirit, the MS11 should be left in the Grand Prix history.

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]

 詳細はこちら>> “P1227 : 3D Printed Rivets Series [ for 1/12scale MS11 ]”

- a multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, photo etch sheet, rubber tyres and decals.
- aluminum turned parts used for wheel rim and engine funnel.
- decals printed by Cartograf.
- “P1227 : 3D Printed Rivets Series [ for 1/12scale MS11 ]” to be released along with this kit.

[ バリエーション -Variations- ]

●K843 - Ver.A [ 1968 Rd.3 Monaco GP ]
The unique colouring that French blue with white and red line together with dark blue, together with the first racing of MS11 in the Monte Carlo race circuit.
The body and the nose shape and the six exhaust pipe that can only be seen in the early type will be all available in the kit.

●K844 - Ver.B [ 1968 Rd.5 Dutch GP ]
This version is the memorable first GP that standing in the victory stand.
The body shape, and the 4 exhaust pipe which is different from the early type, together with the oil cooler at the body side.

●K845 - Ver.C [ 1968 Rd.6 French GP ]
Extra tanks installed at two sides of the body that changes the shape, and the short type rear wing completes the characteristics of the French GP specification.

●K846 - Ver.D [ 1968 Rd.9 Italian GP ]
The extension out of the body side is shorter, and the shape of the upper cowl is different from other versions. Together with front wing and a high mounted long type rear wing for the Italian GP.

*(現在企画中ですので、発売時期・価格・仕様・構成が変更になる場合があります。 / CG画像はイメージです。必ずしもキット内容と合致するとは限りません。)
*(Product is currently still in design phase: release date/price/instructions for construction/build may be altered for official release. / Images based off CG captures may not accurately reflect that of the final product.)

[ 2024年9月発売 / September 2024 released ]

1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : 250P / 275P



- this product is scheduled to be release in August 2024. To place a pre-order please use the link below to contact us using the mail form.
- if pre-orders reach a certain number this product may become out of stock before release as only a limited number will be made during the initial run. Any other pre-orders following will be covered during the next production run. We will stop taking pre-orders/orders completely should the order numbers surpass the maximum production amount.

For pre-preorders, please contact us here

2024年8月発売予定 August 2024
Price : \95,000- (+tax)

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]


- the 250P and 275P were prototype cars used during the early half of the 1960s, design based off of the 250TR which was highly successful in the latter half of the 1950s.
The 250P was a midship machine that debuted at the 1963 24 Hours of Le Mans where it won the championship. In the following year it was upgraded into the 275P which was equipped with an engine with a larger displacement. It also entered and won Le Mans on its debut year.
- 1/12 scale kits based on the winners of the 1963 and 1964 Le Mans respectively, the 250P and 275P.
- a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, etching, turned parts, rubber tires, silk screen decals and various cords allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
- aluminum turned parts used for wheel rim, engine funnel, light rim, shaft/nut and dashboard meters.
- wire wheel built from a combination of aluminum turned wheel rim and stainless spokes allowing for realistic representation.
- front bonnet can be removed, and doors can open and close post construction, allowing full view of the detailed interior after completion.
- decals printed by Cartograf.

●K841 - 1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : 250P

 1963 LM Winner #21 Lorenzo Bandini / Ludovico Scarfiotti
 1963 LM 3rd #22 Mike Parkes / Umberto Maglioli
 1963 LM #23 John Surtees / Willy Mairesse

- based on the 1963 Le Mans winner Car #21, third place winner Car #22 and Car #23 that was driven by J. Surtees.

●K842 - 1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : 275P

 1964 LM Winner #20 Nino Vaccarella / Jean Guichet
 1964 LM #22 Giancarlo Baghetti / Umberto Maglioli

- based on the 1964 Le Mans winner Car #20, and Car #22.
- features different body and intake/duct details compared to the 250P.

[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]

*(現在企画中ですので、発売時期・価格・仕様・構成が変更になる場合があります。 / CG画像はイメージです。必ずしもキット内容と合致するとは限りません。)
*(Product is currently still in design phase: release date/price/instructions for construction/build may be altered for official release. / Images based off CG captures may not accurately reflect that of the final product.)

[ 2024年8月発売 / August 2024 released ]

1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : 2J



- this product is scheduled to be release in late July 2024. To place a pre-order please use the link below to contact us using the mail form.
- if pre-orders reach a certain number this product may become out of stock before release as only a limited number will be made during the initial run. Any other pre-orders following will be covered during the next production run. We will stop taking pre-orders/orders completely should the order numbers surpass the maximum production amount.

For pre-preorders, please contact us here

2024年7月発売予定 July 2024
Price : \95,000- (+tax)

[ 2J について -About the 2J - ]

Jim Hall (ジム・ホール) ― 1960年代から70年代にかけてのレースシーンにおいて、数々の技術的トライによってレーシングカーの進化に大きな足跡を残した、エンジニア兼レーシングドライバー、そして偉大な革新者です。
アメリカ・テキサス出身のHallは、60年代初頭にF1に参戦するほどのレーシングドライバーでしたが、同時に自らのオリジナルレースカーの製造を目指し、"Chaparral Cars"を設立します。テキサス州ミッドランドに作られたファクトリーには、“ラトルスネーク(ガラガラヘビ)”と呼ばれたテストコースも併設されていました。
そのファクトリーから、1963年にHall自ら設計に関与した最初のマシン、"2A"を完成させます。2Aはモノコックにレーシングカーでは殆ど使われてこなかったFRPを採用、80年代にカーボンが主流となる非金属モノコックの先駆けとなりました。Chaparral Carsの代名詞となる純白にペイントされたボディの2Aは、65年セブリング12時間レースにおいてフェラーリやフォードといった強豪を抑えてHallのドライブによる優勝という快挙を成し遂げます。
その後もHallとChaparral Carsは、油圧式可動ウィングを装備した"2C"、グループ6用に2Aを改造してニュルブルクリンク1000kmを制した"2D"、ハイマウントウィングを備えた"2E"・"2F"といったイノベイティブなマシンを次々と生み出しました。
1968年からはヨーロッパでのレギュレーション変更により、Hallはアメリカでのレース、Can-Am(Canadian-American Challenge Cup)レースに力を入れるようになります。69年には後のウイングカーの先駆けと言えなくもない"ボディ全体がウイング"構造の"2H"を投入しますが、望ましい成績をあげることはできませんでした。
そして1970年にHallは更なる新型マシンを開発し、Can-Amレースに投入します。それがChaparral Carsの中で最もイノベイティブなマシン、"2J"です。
2Jは、メインのV8 Big-Blockエンジンとは別に、スノーモービル用274ccエンジンを搭載、その動力で2基のファンを回転させ、四角いボディ内部の空気を吸い出すことで強いダウンフォースを発生させるという機構を持った"ファン・カー"でした。これは、F1においてブラバムBT46Bがファン・カーとしてサーキットに登場する8年前のことでした。
HallとChaparral Carsの、先進の頂を目指しレース界の巨人達に伍して鎬を削り自由に闘い合えた日々は、一旦終焉を迎えることになりました。
成績的に2Jは"失敗作"の烙印を押される類のレーシングマシンに分類されるかもしれません。しかし、新しい可能性を追い求めたJim Hallの情熱が結実したChaparral Carsのマシン達の輝きは、今なお色褪せることなくレース史に残り続けることでしょう。

Jim Hall was an engineer and racing driver who bought many new innovations to the racing scene during the 1960s and 1970s aiding in the evolution of the sport. Born in Texas, US, Hall competed in Formula One as a driver in the early 1960s, and also founded Chaparral Cars with the goal of building his own original race cars around the same time. The factory, located in Midland, Texas, included a test track called the “Rattlesnake”.
It was here that Hall designed and built his first car in 1963 - the 2A. It featured a monocoque made of FRP, which was innovative at the time as non-metals were not used for monocoques until the 1980s where carbon fibre would become mainstream. The 2A, with its white painted body that became synonymous with Chaparral Cars, won the 12 Hours of Sebring in 1965 with Hall driving it to victory over powerhouses such as Ferrari and Ford.
Hall and Chaparral Cars went on to create a series of innovative cars: the “2C” featuring a hydraulic moving wing, the “2D” which was a 2A modified for Group 6 that won the 1000 km Nürburgring, the “2E” with a high-mounted wing, and the “2F”. Due to racing regulation changes in Europe in 1968, Hall would switch his focus to Can-Am racing in the U.S. instead. In 1969, Hall introduced the “2H,” - designed in such that the entire car acted as a giant wing, which could be said to be the forerunner of later winged cars. Despite the novelty, the car did not perform well.
Hall then developed an even more innovative machine for the season of 1970 - the “2J”. Apart from the main V8 big-block engine, the 2J was powered by a 274cc snowmobile engine, which rotated two fans that sucked air out of the square body to generate strong downforce – a similar concept done by the Brabham BT46B F1 car 8 years later. The 2J showed potential during the 1970 Can-Am season by taking pole position in several qualifying sessions, however it failed to leave a mark as minor issues occurred frequently during the main race that lead to it's retirement. The 2J would only race during this season, as revised regulations for Can-Am in the following season banned the use of the machine from 1971 and on.This prompted Hall's decision to temporarily withdraw from Can-Am.
This marked an end to Hall and Chaparral Cars' journey to the top of the racing world. In terms of performance the 2J may have been a failure, but it reflected the brilliance of Chaparral Cars' machines and J.Hall's passion to pursue new possibilities, which will never fade away and remain an important part in racing history.

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]

■1970年Can-Am第9戦、ラグナセカに参戦した、Vic Elfordドライブの2Jを1/12スケールでモデル化しました。

- based on Car #66 driven by Vic Elford during Rd.9 of the 1970 Can-Am season (at Laguna Seca Raceway)
- a fully detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, etching, turned parts, rubber tires, silk screen decals and various cords allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
- aluminum turned parts used for wheel rim, muffler end, and cockpit meters.
- doors can be open and closed, and front cowl & rear cowl can be removed post construction allowing for view of the detailed interior after completion.
- decals printed by Cartograf.

[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]

●K840 - 1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : 2J
 1970 Can-Am Rd.9 Laguna Seca #66 Vic Elford

*(現在企画中ですので、発売時期・価格・仕様・構成が変更になる場合があります。 / CG画像はイメージです。必ずしもキット内容と合致するとは限りません。)
*(Product is currently still in design phase: release date/price/instructions for construction/build may be altered for official release. / Images based off CG captures may not accurately reflect that of the final product.)

[ 2024年7月発売 / July 2024 released ]

1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : Williams FW16 [ Special Edition ]

[ ご予約受付された皆様へのお知らせ 2024.5.08 ]
メール未着の場合は、お手数ですが こちら までご連絡くださいませ。
2024年5月8日 Model Factory Hiro

[ -Notice to all accepted reservations - May 8th, 2024 ]
We will be sending out confirmation e-mails later today regarding the result of yesterday's pre-order request. Please check your junk/spam folder in case the confirmation e-mail has been marked as spam.
If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail within the day please contact us here.
May 8th, 2024 Model Factory Hiro

[ お知らせ 2024.5.07 ]
2024年5月7日 19:15 Model Factory Hiro

[ -Notice- May 7th, 2024 ]
Pre-orders have been closed as pre-order requests have exceeded the units planned for production.
For those who have sent a request please wait for an order confirmation mail at a later date.
May 7th, 2024 JST19:15 Model Factory Hiro

[ ご予約方法のご案内 ]






[ Pre-order Guideline ]

**For both dealers and general customers : we will ONLY take pre-orders for this kit sent using the mail form in the below guideline.**

**The mail form will be accessable when pre-orders begin on May 7th, 2024 starting at 19:00JST.**
- this product is a limited edition set to be released in May 2024.
Only 200 units are planned for production. To ensure fairness, a pre-order period will be in place for this kit.

- pre-orders will begin on May 7th, 2024 starting at 19:00JST.
At this time please use the mail form
here to place an order for the kit. Both dealers and general customers must place pre-orders using this mail form only. We will not take any orders for the kit before the pre-order period, and we will not take any orders sent by any other method.

- for general customers, a maximum of 2 kits can be pre-ordered. For dealers, a maximum of 10 kits can be pre-ordered.

- please be advised that the kit may be sold out before release if a certain number of pre-orders have been reached. If stock is available after the kit has been released, we will take orders normally at that time.

2024年5月発売予定 May 2024
Price : \85,000- (+tax)

[ Williams FW16 について -About the Williams FW16 - ]


The FW16 was the 1994 season entry from the Williams team - the successor to the champion machine FW15C from the 1993 season. it was piloted by Aryton Senna - the best driver of the time.
The FW16 was equipped with the Renault V10 engine that the team had been using since 1989. However, due to the ban of electronic driver aids such as active suspension that was put into place midway during the 1993 season the FW16 was not able to perform properly with the engine. While designers Adrian Newey and Patrick Head designed the car to take advantage of aerodynamics, it in turn made the car extremely hard to handle, and even a seasoned driver such as Senna had problems driving the vehicle.
While Senna qualified for pole position in the first two rounds of the season he would eventually retire from both race, with Michael Schumacher from the Benetton team winning those races instead.
With handling issues unsolved the FW16 would enter the third race of the season, the San Marino GP, on May 1st, 1994.

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]

■A.セナのラストレースとなった1994年サンマリノGPから30周年を迎える2024年、"1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : Williams FW16"を[ Special Edition ]として200個限定リリースいたします。
■過去リリースした"1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : Williams FW16 (K495/K496/K497)"のキットとは異なり、エンジン部分がホワイトメタルパーツ化、アルミ挽き物の増加他パーツやデカールの見直し等がなされています。
■開幕2戦とは異なる、高速サーキット対応の2枚フラップを持つリアウイングを装備したサンマリノGP仕様を再現、Car No.2 : A.セナ車をモデル化しました。

- a special edition of the "1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : Williams FW16" in memory of Senna's final race 30 years ago. Only 200 units will be produced.
- based on the previous released "1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : Williams FW16 (K495/K496/K497)" kit with several changes - white metal parts in replacement of the original resin based part for the engine, extra aluminum turned parts, revision of certain parts/decal designs etc.
- decals featuring main sponsors printed by Cartograf.
- includes a figure of A. Senna in standing pose. Decals for helmet and suit also included.
- each kit comes with a metal plate with a unique serial number that marks it as one of the 200 limited units produced (the serial number provided will be random and is not influenced by the sequence of reservations/orders)
- a fully detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, etching, turned parts, rubber parts, silk screen decals and various cords allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
- based solely on Car #2 piloted by Senna at the 1994 Rd3 San Marino GP, featuring a rear wing with two flaps used for high speed circuits which differ from the ones used in the first two races of the season.
- front nose, front suspension cover and rear cowl removable, allowing for full view of the detailed interior after completion.
- pre-printed sponsor logo featured on tires

[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]

●K839 - 1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : Williams FW16 [ Special Edition ]
 1994 Rd.3 San Marino GP
 #2 Ayrton Senna

[ 2024年5月発売 / May 2024 released ]

1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : LOTUS TYPE 100T



- this product is scheduled to be release in April 2024. To place a pre-order please use the link below to contact us using the mail form.
- if pre-orders reach a certain number this product may become out of stock before release as only a limited number will be made during the initial run. Any other pre-orders following will be covered during the next production run. We will stop taking pre-orders/orders completely should the order numbers surpass the maximum production amount.

For pre-preorders, please contact us here

2024年4月発売予定 April 2024
Price : \75,000- (+tax)

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]

■前年度チャンピオンを獲得し、ウィリアムズからロータスへ移籍してきたN.ピケと、F1参戦2年目の中嶋悟という新たなドライバーユニットと、ホンダV6ターボエンジンというパッケージで活躍したLOTUS TYPE 100Tを、1/12スケールでフルディテールキット化しました。

- a 1/12 scale full detailed kit based on the Lotus Type 100T - powered by the Honda V6 engine and driven by N. Piquet, the reigning World Champion that transferred over from the Williams team, and S. Nakajima, who just entered his second year in the F1 scene.
- a fully detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, etching, turned parts, rubber parts, silk screen decals and various cords allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
- based on the build used at the Brazilian GP, the initial race of the 1988 season where Piquet took 3rd place and Nakajima took 6th. This was the same year the race track used for the Brazilian GP “Jacarepaguá” (located in Piquet's home town of Rio) was renamed to “Autódromo Internacional Nelson Piquet” in celebration of Piquet's third World Champion win in 1987.
- parts layout around the turbo area that differ from the later build of the car have been faithfully recreated, along with side mirror/windshield/headrest differences between drivers.
- aluminum turned parts used for wheel rim. Various materials used for piping and tubing, allowing for a more realistic finish.
- carbon decals included for monocoque and parts of the chassis.
- real cowl can be removed post construction, allowing full view of the detailed interior after completion.
- ECU (engine control unit) parts made using 3D printing, allowing for a detailed interior finish. Accessories that can be used for pit scene such as lap chart board, battery, handy printer etc also included.

[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]

●K838 - 1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : LOTUS TYPE 100T
 1988 Rd.1 Brazilian GP #1 N.Piquet / #2 S.Nakajima

*(現在企画中ですので、発売時期・価格・仕様・構成が変更になる場合があります。 / CG画像はイメージです。必ずしもキット内容と合致するとは限りません。)
*(Product is currently still in design phase: release date/price/instructions for construction/build may be altered for official release. / Images based off CG captures may not accurately reflect that of the final product.)

[ 2024年4月発売 / April 2024 released ]

1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : 1000SP LM 1969



- this product is scheduled to be release in the end of March or early April 2024. To place a pre-order please use the link below to contact us using the mail form.
- if pre-orders reach a certain number this product may become out of stock before release as only a limited number will be made during the initial run. Any other pre-orders following will be covered during the next production run. We will stop taking pre-orders/orders completely should the order numbers surpass the maximum production amount.

For pre-preorders, please contact us here

2024年3月末~4月上旬頃発売予定 end of March or early April 2024
Price : \80,000- (+tax)

[ 1000SP LM 1969 について -About the 1000SP LM 1969 - ]

オーストリア出身の元レーサーであり優れた技術者でもあったカルロ・アバルトが自動車チューンや部品の販売、レース活動の為に1949年イタリア・ボローニャ(51年トリノに移転)で興した会社、それが"Abarth & C."です。アバルトは自らが手掛けたマシンで1950年代から60年代にかけて、GTクラスやツーリングカークラスのレースに参戦、その名を広く知らしめる事になります。
そして新たな挑戦としてスポーツプロトタイプクラスに目を付けたC.アバルトは、アルファ・ロメオで設計に従事していたマリオ・コルッチをヘッドハンティング、アバルトの主任設計責任者として迎え入れます。 当初、旧来のリア・オーバーハング・エンジンに固執していたC.アバルトと、ミッドシップ・エンジンを推奨していたコルッチとはその設計思想の違いから衝突することもありました。けれども、アバルトでのコルッチが指揮した設計のマシンは、1960年代から、カルロが会社を去った後の70年代の131 Rally、80年代の037 Rallyの頃まで、多くのレースで活躍することになります。

1000SPはコルッチが得意とする鋼管フレーム構造で、そこに軽量FRPボディを合わせ、またリアエンジンを信奉するC.アバルトを説き伏せてミッドシップ・エンジンレイアウトで構成されていました。 1000SPは、レース参戦のホモロゲーションを取得する為、1966年に25台、67年に25台が生産され、その後タルガ・フローリオなど多くのレースで活躍しました。

A one time racer and automobile designer, Carlo Abarth founded the “Abarth &C.” company in 1949 in Bologna, Italy (moved to Turin in 1951), which focused on selling car parts and designing race cars. Abarth would make a name for themselves, with their cars, designed by the founder himself, joining various races in the GT class and Touring Car class in the period of 1950~1960.
Interested in participating in the sports prototype class, Abarth convinced designer Mario Colucci to leave his post at Alfa Romeo to become the new technical director at Abarth. While both had conflicting philosophies in design, with Abarth preferring a rear overhang engine setup whereas Colucci preferred a mid-ship engine, the cars designed by Colucci under Abarth's direction were used in many races in the 1960s, before Carlo's departure from the company and the arrival of the 131 Rally and 037 Rally in the 1970s and 1980s respectively.

Within the many machines that Colucci was involved in designing was the 1000SP, a prototype racing car (the “SP” being short for “Sports Prototype”) launched in 1966. The 1000SP was designed with a tubular trellis chassis that Colucci was personally fond of, along with a mid-ship engine that C.Abarth was against, all sitting under a light FRP body. In order to obtain homologation, 25 were built in 1966 and 25 were built in 1967, allowing it to qualify for races such as the Targa Florio.
Of the many 1000SP that raced, one make entered the 1969 24 hours of Le Mans under the Ecurie Fiat-Abarth France team, which featuring a different front cowl amongst the many design differences from the base 1000SP.

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]


- a 1/12 scale model based on the 1000SP that entered the 1969 24 Hours of Le Mans' entry, car #51.
- a fully detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, etching, turned parts, rubber tires, silk screen decals and various cords allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
- aluminum turned parts used for engine funnels, light rim, muffler end and wheel rim.
- front bonnet, door and rear cowl can be open and closed, allowing a view of the detailed interior after completion.

[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]

●K837 - 1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : 1000SP LM 1969
 LM 24hours race 1969
 Ecurie Fiat-Abarth France #51 M.Zanetti / U.Locatelli

[ 2024年3月発売 / March 2024 released ]

*(現在企画中ですので、発売時期・価格・仕様・構成が変更になる場合があります。 / CG画像はイメージです。必ずしもキット内容と合致するとは限りません。)
*(Product is currently still in design phase: release date/price/instructions for construction/build may be altered for official release. / Images based off CG captures may not accurately reflect that of the final product.)

1/9scale Fulldetail Kit : Crocker OHV "Big tank" 1939-1942



- this product is scheduled to be release in March 2024. To place a pre-order please use the link below to contact us using the mail form.
- if pre-orders reach a certain number this product may become out of stock before release as only a limited number will be made during the initial run. Any other pre-orders following will be covered during the next production run. We will stop taking pre-orders/orders completely should the order numbers surpass the maximum production amount.

For pre-preorders, please contact us here

2024年3月発売予定 March 2024
Price : \63,000- (+tax)

[ Crocker OHV "Big tank"について -About the Crocker OHV "Big tank"- ]

インディアンのディーラーを営んでいたAlbert G. Crockerは、既存のバイクをカスタムし、高性能なレーサーを製作していました。その後彼はクロッカー・モーターサイクルカンパニーを設立、ハーレーがナックルヘッドを発売した年である1936年に、Vツインモデルの高性能バイク"Small Tank"を発売します。その性能はベースとなったインディアンや、ハーレーのナックルをも凌駕するものでした。最高速チャレンジレースでもハーレーやインディアンを圧倒、小さな工場で産み出されるバイクが大手メーカーに対しその性能で勝利を収めたのでした。
そして1939年、クロッカーはさらなる改良モデル、"Big Tank"を発売します。しかし、迫り来る戦争の影、小規模工場生産による効率の悪さ、大手メーカーによるパーツ供給取引への圧力等々が重なり、当時”世界で最も速い市販バイク”とまで謳われたクロッカーは、1942年にバイク生産を終えることになります。

Crocker was an American based motorcycle company from the 1930s that created motorbikes that rivaled the performances of those from major motorbike companies, such as Indian and Harley Davidson, of the time.
Albert G. Crocker started off as a dealer for Indian motorbikes, where he already began to customize bikes for high performance racing. He would later go on to create the Crocker Motorcycle Company and release the V-twin “Small Tank” in 1936 – the same year the Knucklehead was released by Harley. It surpassed the performance of the Indian it was based off of and the Knucklehead, achieving top speeds that neither motorbikes could reach. It was an incredible success for a bike that was produced by a small manufacturer.
In 1939, an improved “Big Tank” model was released. However, with the impending war, the inefficient production pace of a small factory and the lack of supplies due to competition from larger companies forced the company to stop motorbike production in 1942.
During the brief period of operation around 100 Crockers were produced by the company. Around half of those original Crockers are still around today, owned and kept in good conditions by motorbike enthusiast.

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]


- a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, etching, metal turned parts, rubber tires, and decals allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
- moveable bike chain built from a combination of etching and metal parts.
- a combination of stainless spokes, stainless pipes and metal rim used for wheels for a realistic representation.

[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]

●K836 - 1/9scale Fulldetail Kit : Crocker OHV "Big tank" 1939-1942

[ 2024年3月発売 / March 2024 released ]

*(現在企画中ですので、発売時期・価格・仕様・構成が変更になる場合があります。 / CG画像はイメージです。必ずしもキット内容と合致するとは限りません。)
*(Product is currently still in design phase: release date/price/instructions for construction/build may be altered for official release. / Images based off CG captures may not accurately reflect that of the final product.)

1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : 158F1 / 512F1

[ お知らせ Notice 2024.02.19 ]


The first production run has sold out by reservation. We will continue to produce the next batch, so please wait until then.

2024年2月発売予定 February 2024
Price : \80,000- (+tax)

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]

 詳細はこちら>> “P1188 : 3D Printed Rivets Series [ for 1/12scale 158F1/512F1 ]”

- a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, etching, turned parts, rubber tires, silk screen decals and various cords allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
- aluminum turned parts used for wheel rim, engine funnel, muffler end, suspension damper and dashboard meters.
- rear and main cowl can be removed post construction, allowing full view of the detailed interior after completion
- tires pre-printed with sponsor marks. Funnel cover mesh pre-pressed into final shape.
- “P1188 : 3D Printed Rivets Series [ for 1/12scale 158F1/512F1 ]” to be released along with this kit.

[ バリエーション -Variations- ]

●K834 - Ver.A : 158F1
 1964 Rd.6 German GP winner #7 John Surtees
 1964 Rd.9 U.S.GP 2nd #7 John Surtees
 1964 Rd.10 Mexican GP 2nd #7 John Surtees

・J.サーティースが優勝した64年第6戦ドイツGP仕様と、終盤2戦をノースアメリカン・レーシングチーム (N.A.R.T.) 仕様のホワイト+ブルーストライプカラーでサーティースがドライバーチャンピオンを決めた仕様の2カラーを選択できます。

- based on the 1964 championship machine designed by Mauro Forghieri and equipped with a V8 engine, the "158F1".
- based on the version used by John Surtees at Rd6 Germany GP, and the white/blue stripe coloured N.A.R.T. version used in the final two races of the same season by Surtees that allowed him to claim driver's champion.

●K835 - Ver.B : 512F1
 1965 Rd.6 Dutch GP 7th #2 John Surtees


- based on the car used by Surtees at Rd6 Dutch GP in 1965, the "512F1" - introduced at the end of the 1964 season and featured a V12 engine in comparison to the 158F1.
- features a different engine cowl, seat, meter panel compared to the 158F1.

[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]

*(現在企画中ですので、発売時期・価格・仕様・構成が変更になる場合があります。 / CG画像はイメージです。必ずしもキット内容と合致するとは限りません。)
*(Product is currently still in design phase: release date/price/instructions for construction/build may be altered for official release. / Images based off CG captures may not accurately reflect that of the final product.)

[ 2024年2月発売 / February 2024 released ]

1/12scale Proportion Kit : F2003-GA

[ お知らせ Notice 2024.01.13 ]


The first production run has sold out by reservation. We will continue to produce the next batch, so please wait until then.

2024年1月発売予定 January 2024
Price : \60,000- (+tax)

[ F2003-GAについて -About the F2003-GA- ]


M.Schumacher joined the Ferrari F1 team in 1996, and with technical director R.Brawn and machine designer R.Byrne joining the following year Ferrari began their comeback into the sport. Thanks to the efforts of the three members the team was able to win the Constructor's Championship in 1999, and further allowed them to take Driver's Championship in the following year of 2000. Schumacher and the team managed to take both titles in the next two years, and in the following year of 2003 the team would enter the F2003-GA for the season.
The F2003-GA was named in honour of G. Agnelli – the head of Fiat that had passed away earlier in the same year. The car had a greater focus on aerodynamic effects, which made its performance much more irregular compared to the previous 2002 model. It debuted during the 5th race of the season in Spain, and while Schumacher was able to win both in Spain and in the following race in Austria, the Williams and Renault team were able to pick up victories during the summer races of the season. Feeling the pressure from the other teams, the Ferrari team bought along a large amount of Bridgestone tyres to test at the home race at Monza and did extensive test runs to further improve the car for the race.
As a result, Schumacher was victorious at the Italian GP and in the following US GP. It was an incredibly close battle for the driver's title that year, but thanks to assistance from the second driver R.Barrichello, Schumacher was able to take his fourth Driver's Championship in a row.

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]


- based on the version of the F2003-GA that raced at Rd.14 Italian GP, where M.Schumacher took one of the victories that aided him towards the driver's title. Schumacher was able to complete the race with an average race speed of 247.585km/h, a record that still stands today (as of 2023) .
- a multi-material kit featuring white metal parts, resin parts, photoetch, turned parts, rubber tires, and silk screen decals.
- a proportion kit that omits certain interior detail resulting in a smaller amount of parts, allowing for quicker completion of the kit.
- aluminum turned parts used for wheel rims, and laser lithography parts used for muffler ends.

[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]

●K833 - 1/12scale Proportion Kit : F2003-GA
 2003 Rd.14 Italian GP

*(現在企画中ですので、発売時期・価格・仕様・構成が変更になる場合があります。 / CG画像はイメージです。必ずしもキット内容と合致するとは限りません。)
*(Product is currently still in design phase: release date/price/instructions for construction/build may be altered for official release. / Images based off CG captures may not accurately reflect that of the final product.)

[ 2024年1月発売 / January 2024 released ]
