"DIVE NINE" Figure Series No.03 : 1/12scale "Driver Type A.S [PODIUM CEREMONY] "

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]

”DIVE NINE”フィギュアシリーズ第三弾は、1/12scale "Driver Type A.S [PODIUM CEREMONY] "です。

”DIVE NINE”フィギュアシリーズは、繊細な造形、リアリティある人体表現、そのドライバーの個性すら感じさせるポージング等々、魅力溢れるフィギュアのシリーズです。


”DIVE NINE”のWeb サイトはこちら

その第3弾は、1/12scale "Driver Type A.S [PODIUM CEREMONY] "。 表彰台でシャンパンを手にし、勝利を祝うセレモニーシーンを立体化しました。

DIVE NINE is an up and coming Korean company who specialize in figure making. Each figure has been carefully handcrafted to accurately depict the drivers we know so well and love. Incredible detail has been added to reproduce the most realistic portrayal of such drivers. Figures between the scales of 1/12-1/43 are in the process of being produced. On top of coming in various poses, certain figures have been specifically made to perfectly fit in the driver seat of our own kits.

DIVE NINE web site

R012-0007 : 1/12scale "Driver Type A.S [PODIUM CEREMONY] "


"DIVE NINE" Figure Series No.03 : 1/12scale "Driver Type A.S [PODIUM CEREMONY] "


11,000円 (本体 10,000円、税 1,000円)

返品期限・条件 返品についての詳細はこちら
