1/24scale Lightweight Series : Abarth Record Monza 1959 Sebring

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]

・MFHのキットラインナップに新シリーズ、”Lightweight Series”が加わります。往年の名車の中から小型の車をセレクトし、パーツ点数を抑え、組み立て易さにポイントを置いたキットシリーズです。その”Lightweight Series”の第一弾として、Abarth Record Monzaが登場します。
・数多くのレースカーを生み出してきたアバルトが、1950年代にFIAT600をベースに作り上げたマシンがAbarth Record Monzaです。
Abarth Record Monzaは Sebring 12hoursに出場、赤いボディカラーの62番車は29位、水色のボディカラーの63番車は32位、白いボディカラーの64番車は28位の成績を収めました。

- New series is coming to MFH model lineup! The "Lightweight" Series will be containing selections from all of the cars which are in compact size. To aim for easier assembling, the Lightweight Series will come with reduced parts.The 1st kit of the Lightweight Series will be the Abarth Record Monza!
- Abarth is well known to be the racing car makers and produced numerous racing cars. They made a racing car based on the FIAT600 in the '50s, and named it Abarth Record Monza.
- The Abarth Record Monza raced Sebring 12 hours and the #62 with red coloured body finished at 29th, #63 with Aqua coloured body finished at 32th, #64 with white coloured body finished at 28th position.
- This is an engineless proportion model. Parts are reduced (compared with our full detailed model) and let you finish assembling the model with less time.
- This is a multi-material kit with the following composition: Body, chassis and seats are resin parts, together with photo etch parts, silk-screen printed decals, rubber tyres, vacuum form window, etc.
- The enblem, light rim, the steering wheel, etc. will be plated metal parts.

●LK001 : Abarth Record Monza 1959 Sebring 12hours #62/#63/#64

1/24scale Lightweight Series : Abarth Record Monza 1959 Sebring


17,600円 (本体 16,000円、税 1,600円)

購入数: pcs


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