1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : 905 Evo1 Bis LM1992

[ お知らせ Notice Oct.17, 2024 ]


The first production run is now sold out due to reservations.
We will continue to produce additional items, so please be patient for a while.

[ 905 Evo1 Bis LM1992について -About the 905 Evo1 Bis LM1992- ]

そして1990年に完成したプジョー初のグループCカー、それが"905"です。シャシー製造は航空機メーカーであるダッソーが担当し、当時のF1のトレンドを流用したカーボン製シャシーとモノコックを持ち、自然吸気3.5L V10エンジンを搭載。905は1990年終盤にデビューし、新規定がスタートした91年に本格参戦しますが、よりF1に近い構造を採用したジャガーXJR-14に衝撃を受けたトッド監督の指示により改良型が急遽開発され、軽量化とエンジンパワーのアップが施された"905 Evo1"で91年シーズンを戦います。

In 1982, Group C regulations was introduced into the World Endurance Championship (WEC) series, and was renamed into WSPC in 1986. In 1991, regulation changes were made so that only naturally aspirated engines with a displacement of 3,500cc were allowed (same as F1 at the time), with the series being renamed once again into the Sportscar World Championship (SWC). Manufacturers that had already competed in Group C, such as Toyota, Nissan, Mercedes, and Jaguar, entered the race under these new regulations, with Peugeot entering as a new competitor at the time.
Peugeot's racing division was led by Frenchman Jean Todt – who would later achieve great success with Ferrari's F1 team and many years later become the president of FIA. Having been successful with WRC and the Paris-Dakar Rally, Todt set his sights on the new Group C regulations for the next championship.
Thus the “905” was born as Peugeot's first Group C car. It was powered by a naturally-aspirated 3.5L V10 engine and featured a chassis and monocoque made of carbon fiber, much like the F1 of the time, with the chassis engineered by aircraft manufacturer Dassault. The 905 debuted late in the 1990 season and was to began its full season in 1991, however Todt was shocked by the arrival of the XJR-14, which was designed more closely to a F1 car, and as a result the engine was quickly upgrade to deliver more power and be lighter, leading to the improved “905Evo1” for the 1991 season.

しかしEvo1は軽微なアップデートに過ぎず、本格的な改良型が91年第5戦に登場します。この第二(フランス語でbis)の改良型、それが"905 Evo1 Bis"です。
905 Evo1 Bisは、フロントからサイドラジエーターへの空気の流れを始めとした空力面が大幅に改善されたカウルデザインに変更されました。905 Evo1 Bisはデビューのニュルブルクリンクではリタイヤでしたが続くマニクールとメキシコシティで連勝を飾り、翌92年第2戦シルバーストンでも優勝、満を持して92年ル・マン24時間レースに臨むことになります。そのル・マンにおいて、トヨタTS010とXJR-14の派生マシンであるマツダMX-R01との勝負となったレースで905 Evo1 Bisは見事優勝、ル・マン後のドニントン、鈴鹿、マニクールでも連勝し、シリーズチャンピオンを獲得する活躍を見せるのでした。
92年最終戦には新車"905 Evo2"が投入されましたが決勝で走ることはなく、翌93年はトランスミッションが改良された905 Evo1 Bisで再びル・マンを制し、J.トッドとチームが目指したスポーツカーレースにおける選手権の制覇を成し遂げたのです。

The Evo1 was only a minor update, with a full-fledged improved version introduced during the 5th round of the 1991 season. This second upgraded version would be known as the “90 Evo1 Bis” (Bis meaning “twice” or “encore”), featuring a new cowl design that improved airflow from the front to side radiators, heightening the car's overall aerodynamics. While the car retired at its debut in Nurburgring, it managed to win the following rounds in Magny-Cours and Mexico City and the 2nd round at Silverstone in the following 1992 season. At the 1992 24 hours of Le Mans it managed to take championship, racing against the Mazda MX-R01 (which was based on the XJR-14) and the Toyota TS010. It went on to take victory at the following Donington, Suzuka and Magny-Cours races to take championship for the season.
In the final race of 1992 a new car, the 905 Evo2, was entered but did not run in the race. In the following season the 905 Evo1 Bis with an improved transmission was used in Le Mans and won, achieving J. Todt and his team's goal of winning the championship in sports car racing.

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]

■1992年のル・マン24時間レースで優勝した905 Evo1 Bisの#1番車と、3位に入った#2番車をモデル化しました。

- based on the 1992 Le Mans winner, the 905 Evo1 Bis car #1, and car #2 which placed third in the same race.
- a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, etching, turned parts, rubber tires, decals and various cords allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
- aluminum turned parts used for wheel, wheel shaft and nut, light rim and engine funnels. Wheels are dyed black by anodizing, and wheel nuts are colour dyed similarly to match the different colours used for each side of the car.
- door can be opened and closed, and front side cowl and rear cowl can be removed allowing for full view of the detailed interior after completion.
- main set of sponsor decals printed by Cartograf. Separate set of carbon decals also included.

[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]

●K847 - 1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : 905 Evo1 Bis LM1992
 1992 LM
 Winner #1 Derek Warwick / Yannick Dalmas / Mark Blundell
 3rd #2 Mauro Baldi / Philippe Alliot / Jean-Pierre Jabouille

[ 2024年10月発売 / October 2024 released ]

1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : 905 Evo1 Bis LM1992


93,500円 (本体 85,000円、税 8,500円)

購入数: pcs
返品期限・条件 返品についての詳細はこちら
