[ HONDA RA301について -About the HONDA RA301- ]
1967年グランプリにおいて1勝を挙げたHONDA RA300の改良型として、68年シーズンに投入されたホンダのF1マシンがRA301です。RA301は前年型からエンジンの吸排気系のレイアウトが見直され、車重も軽量化、シーズン後半にはリアウイング等の空力面での新機構も採用されました。
The RA301 was Honda's entry for the 1968 F1 season, based on the Honda RA300 from the previous season that managed to score one win. Compared to its predecessor, the RA301 featured various changes such as a new exhaust layout, overall lighter weight, and a rear wing attachment in the latter half of the season. While the car solved all the issues presented by the RA300 it failed the impress, only managing two podium finishes. The commercialization of Ford's Cosworth DFV engine saw DFV cars dominate the upper ranks, making it tough for Honda to leave a mark in the competition.
During the development of the RA301 in Britain, Honda was also developing the RA302 at the same time in Japan, which featured an air cooled engine. The RA302 debuted at French GP but was destroyed in a tragic accident. Honda would race the RA301only until the very end of the 1968 season.
The team withdrew from the sport in the following year, marking the end of Honda's first era in Formula one. They would not return until the turbo era in the 1980s.
[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]
・Racing Pictorial Series by HIRO No.39 : Grand Prix 1968 PART-02
- a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, etching, turned parts, rubber tires, silk screen decals and various cords allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
- aluminum turned parts used for wheel rim, engine funnel and filler caps. Filler caps are dyed red through anodizing.
- nose can be removed, allowing a view of the detailed interior after completion.
- pre-printed sponsor logos featured on tires.
- please consider the following book for reference on the vehicle:
・Racing Pictorial Series by HIRO No.39 : Grand Prix 1968 PART-02
[ バリエーション -Variations- ]
●K827 - Ver.A : 1968 Rd.6 French GP
2nd #16 John Surtees
- based on the entry that raced in French GP in the 1968 season which finished in 2nd place.
●K828 - Ver.B : 1968 Rd.7 British GP
5th #7 John Surtees
- features rear wing that was used in the later half of the season and a different nose compared to Ver.A
[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]
[ 2023年8月発売 / August 2023 released ]