[ Delta S4について -About the Delta S4- ]
グループBレギュレーションのWRCをミッドシップMRマシンである037で戦っていたランチアチームは、プジョーやアウディといった4WD勢に対し劣勢を強いられ、新マシンの開発を急ぎます。 1985年シーズン最終戦にようやく姿を現したニューマシン"Delta S4"は、スーパーチャージャー+ターボチャージャーという二つの過給機を持つ1,759cc直列4気筒DOHCエンジンを搭載したミッドシップ・フルタイム4WDカーでした。
Delta S4は1985年最終戦RACラリーにおいて、H.トイボネンとM.アレンが1-2フィニッシュを飾り、衝撃的なデビューを果たします。
In the late years of Group B competition, the Lancia team decided it was time to replace the Rally 037 for a more powerful machine in light of Peugeot and Audi's success with their 4WD. The result was the Delta S4 - an all wheel drive featuring a 1759cc four cylinder midship-mounted engine, designed with a unique combination of supercharging and turbocharging that allowed for a reduction of turbo lag at low RPM.
The S4 debuted in the final 1985 WRC race at RAC Rally, which carried drivers Henri Toivoven and Markku Alén to a one-two finish. At the first WRC race of 1986 at Monte Carlo Rally Toivenen was able to take first, marking an excellent start to the 1986 season. However on May 2nd, 1986 at Tour de Course, Toivonen's S4 went off the road and flew down a ravine on stage 18. The aluminum fuel tank was ruptured by the trees during the fall and caused an explosion, marking the death of both Toivonen and his co-pilot Sergio Cresto. The incident was yet another example of the dangers of Group B, resulting in all Group B cars to be banned from competition by the FIA, and marked 1986 as the final year of Group B.
[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]
– a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, etching, metal turned parts, vacuum parts, rubber tires, silk screen decals allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
– front cowl, rear cowl and bonnet designed as separate parts allowing them to be removable to show full view of the detailed interior after completion.
– tire pre-printed with logo.
[ バリエーション -Variations- ]

K812 - Ver.A : 1986 WRC Rd.1 Rally Monte Carlo #7 Toivonen/Cresto
- based on the first race of 1986 at Monte Carlo where Toivoven finished first.
- features slick tarmac tires with a lower suspension.
- unique rear wing slightly different than one from Ver. B.

K813 - Ver.B : 1986 WRC Rd.5 Tour de Corse #4 Toivonen/Cresto
- based on Toivoven's final race in 1986 at Tour de Course.
- features slick tarmac tires with a lower suspension.
- unique rear wing, metal wheel vane parts and muffler slightly different than ones from Ver. A. included.
[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]
[ 2022年4月発売 / April 2022 released ]