[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]
- a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, photo etching, silk screen decals, vacuum parts, turned metal parts etc.
- body cowl can be removed, allowing full view of the detailed interior after completion.
- front and rear suspension arms cast in brass using lost-wax casting, strengthening the durability of suspension arms compared to white metal.

[ バリエーション -Variations- ]
●K808 - Ver.A :
1989 Rd.9 German GP / Rd.12 Italian GP
#1 Ayrton Senna / #2 Alain Prost
- Based on the version that raced at the German GP where A.Senna claimed first place, and Italian GP where A.Prost claimed first place. Features rear wing with high speed setup.
●K809 - Ver.B :
1989 Rd.13 Portuguese GP / Rd.15 Japanese GP
#1 Ayrton Senna / #2 Alain Prost
- Based on the version that raced at the Portuguese GP where A.Prost took second place, and the controversial Japanese GP where both drivers collided into one another during their battle for the Driver Championship title. Features rear wing without extra flaps as seen in Ver.A/C
●K810 - Ver.C :
1989 Rd.14 Spanish GP
#1 Ayrton Senna / #2 Alain Prost
- Based on the version that raced at the Spanish GP, where A.Senna took first place and A.Prost finished 3rd. Features rear wing with extra flaps to match the circuit's low-mid speed design.

[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]
[ 2022年2月発売 / February 2022 Released ]