[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]
・マクラーレンのF1デザイナー、ゴードン・マーレイがデザインした究極のロードカー、マクラーレンF1を元に開発されたレース仕様マシンがF1 GTRです。F1 GTRは1995年のLM24時間総合優勝、BPRシリーズ2年連続チャンピオンなど数々のレースを席巻し、輝かしい戦績を残しました。その多くのレースで活躍したF1 GTRの中でも、特筆すべき勝利である95年LM優勝、国際開発UKレーシングの59番車を1/12スケールでモデル化しました。
- The McLaren F1 was designed by McLaren F1 designer Gordon Murray to be the ultimate sports car, which was later upgraded to a racing version that would be known as the F1 GTR. The F1 GTR had a glorious history of winning the 24-hour LeMans in 1995, and also took the championship for 2 consecutive years for the BPR series. Of the many F1 GTRs that saw success we have chosen the winner of the 95 LeMans race – car number 59 used by Kokusai Kaihatsu UK Racing Team, as the next 1/12 scale model.
- A full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, etching, turned parts and silk screen decals allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
- butterfly door and rear window can be open and closed, and front cowl, side panels and rear panel can be removed allowing for full view of the detailed interior after completion.
- aluminum turned parts used for wheel, wheel nut and wheel shaft. Wheel and wheel nuts pre-anodized with colour. Pre-printed sponsor logos featured on tires.

[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]

2021.02.01 [ お知らせ -Notice- ]
There are mistakes on the instructions. Please refer the revised version (which had been uploaded on this page) for your modelling work.
●K756 - 1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : McLaren F1 GTR ['95 LM Winner]
[ 2020年11月発売 / November 2020 released ]
[ 2024年12月価格改定 ]
[ 関連商品 -Related products- ]

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