1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : 908/3

[ 908/3について -About the 908/3- ]
グループ6・スポーツプロトタイプの1969年レギュレーション変更に伴い開発された908/2をベースに、テクニカルなタルガ・フローリオでの勝利を目指してボディシェイプを新設計で挑んだ908の軽量化モデル、それが908/3です。 特徴的なガルフカラーを纏ってレースに登場した908/3は、その出自が示すごとく1970年のタルガ・フローリオを制し908/3で上位独占という快挙を成し遂げました。 続く1971年シーズンには、リアにフィンが追加、幅広リアボディ、リアホイールの大型化、ロールバーの形状等が変更された改良型でレースに挑みました。その71年型908/3は、ニュルブルクリンク1000kmレースにおいてマルティニチームが優勝、908/3は表彰台を独占する活躍を見せました。

With regulation changes to Group 6 sports prototypes in 1969, modifications were done to the 908 using the 908/2 as a base. A lighter and more compact version of the 908 was designed in hopes of conquering the technical Targa Florio stage, and thus the 908/3 was born.
Making it`s first appearance dressed in the unique Gulf colours, the 908/3 proved itself worthy by securing the top positions at the 1970 Targa Florio. In the following year various changes were made to the car, including the addition of rear fins, a winder rear body, increase in rear wheel size, and additional rollbars were added to the car’s frame. The newer version of the 908/3 not only brought the Martini team championship at the 1971 Nürburgring 1000km, but also secured all top three positions for the race.

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]

– a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, etching, metal turned parts, vacuum parts, rubber tires, silk screen decals and various cords allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
– aluminum turned parts used for wheel rim achieve realistic finish.
– cowl removable, and doors open and close allowing full view of the detailed interior after completion.

  • 1/12 908/3
  • 1/12 908/3
  • 1/12 908/3
  • 1/12 908/3

[ バリエーション -Variations- ]
1/12 Fulldatail 908/3
K725 – Ver.A : 1970 Targa Florio
1st #12 J.siffert / B.Redman
2nd #40 P.Rodriguez / L.Kinnunen
5th #36 R.Attwood / B.Waldegard
– based on the winning car #12 at the 1970 Targa Florio, and other 908/3 cars that finished within top five in the same race.

1/12 Fulldatail 908/3
K726 – Ver.B : 1971 Targa Florio
#7 J.siffert / B.Redman
– based on the 1971 version that raced at Targa Florio. Rear cowl and other sections different from the 1970 version have been faithfully recreated.

1/12 Fulldatail 908/3
K727 – Ver.C : 1971 Targa Florio
#8 V.Elford / G.Larrousse
– based on Martini coloured version of the 908/3 that raced at the 1971 Targa Florio.

1/12 Fulldatail 908/3
K728 – Ver.D : 1971 Nürburgring 1000km
1st #3 V.Elford / G.Larrousse
– based on the winning 908/3 at the 1971 Nürburdring 1000km.

[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]

  • 1/12 908/3
  • 1/12 908/3
  • 1/12 908/3
  • 1/12 908/3
  • 1/12 908/3
  • 1/12 908/3
  • 1/12 908/3

[ 2019年10月発売 / October 2019 Released ]

1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : 908/3


74,800円 (本体 68,000円、税 6,800円)

購入数: pcs

バリエーション -Variations-



K725 - Ver.A



K726 - Ver.B



K727 - Ver.C



K728 - Ver.D


返品期限・条件 返品についての詳細はこちら
