1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : Tipo33 TT12

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]

– a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, etching, metal turned parts, rubber tires, decals and various cords allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
– aluminum turned parts used for wheel rim, center lock, wheel shaft, headlight rim and muffler ends.
– rear cowl/doors can be opened/closed allowing full view of the detailed interior after completion.
– pre-printed sponsor logos featured on tires.

  • 1/12 TT12
  • 1/12 TT12
  • 1/12 TT12
  • 1/12 TT12

[ バリエーション -Variations- ]
1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : Tipo33 TT12
K709 – Ver.A :
1974 Rd.1 Monza 1,000km
Winner #3 A.Merzario / M.Andretti

・A.Merzario / M.Andrettiというドライバーラインナップで、1974年の開幕戦Monza 1,000kmを制した3号車をモデル化しました。
– based on car #3 driven by drivers A.Merzario/M.Andretti at the opening race of the 1974 Monza 1,000km where they managed to take first place.

1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : Tipo33 TT12
K710 – Ver.B :
1974 Rd.1 Monza 1,000km
#4 J.Ickx / R.Stommelen
#6 C.Facetti / A.d.Adamich

・1974年の開幕戦、Monza 1,000kmにおいて1-2-3フィニッシュを飾ったTT12のうち、2位3位に入ったマシンをモデル化。
・J.Ickx / R.Stommelenがドライヴし2位に入った4号車、C.Facetti / A.d.Adamichがドライヴし3位に入った6号車を選択できます。
– based on the cars that took second and thrid place at the opening race of the 1974 Monza 1,000km, making a one-two-three finish for the TT12 in this race.
– both second place winner (car #4 driven by drivers J.Ickx/R.Stommelen) and third place winner (car #6 driven by C.Facetti/A.d.Adamich) can be built from this version.

1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : Tipo33 TT12
K711 – Ver.C :
1975 Rd.5 Spa 1,000km
Winner #2 H.Pescarolo / D.Bell
#1 J.Ickx / A.Merzario

– based on the version that won the World Champion for Makes in 1975.
– features a different door, cowl duct and over fender compared to the 1974 make in Ver. A/B.

[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]

  • 1/12 TT12
  • 1/12 TT12
  • 1/12 TT12
  • 1/12 TT12
  • 1/12 TT12
  • 1/12 TT12

[ 2019年3月発売 / March 2019 Released ]

1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : Tipo33 TT12


82,500円 (本体 75,000円、税 7,500円)

購入数: pcs

バリエーション -Variations-



K709 – Ver.A



K710 – Ver.B



K711 – Ver.C


返品期限・条件 返品についての詳細はこちら
