[ Beta Montecarlo Turboについて -About the Beta Montecarlo Turbo- ]
1979年にレースデビューしたベータ・モンテカルロ・ターボは、翌80年にはスポーツカー世界選手権にフル参戦、アンダー 2,000ccクラスで80、81年と2年連続メイクスタイトルを獲得する活躍を見せます。スポーツカー世界選手権以外にもジロ・デ・イタリアに参戦し、79年は1-2位でゴール後規定違反で失格になりましたが、翌80年には再び1-2フィニッシュを果たし雪辱を晴らす勝利を挙げました。
その後1982年に耐久レースの規格がGr.Cに移行し、ベータ・モンテカルロ・ターボの選手権での活躍は見られなくなりましたが、この車のモノコック構造、ボディデザイン等が後のGr.Bマシン、Rally 037へと引き継がれていくことになるのです。
In 1974, Abarth worked together with Pininfarina to develop the SE030, which managed to take 2nd place at Tour d'Italia. Taking feedback from the race regarding engine test and body design in relation to the sportscar market, Fiat announced the car as the Beta Montecarlo under the Lancia brand at the 1975 Geneva Motor Show.
At this point in time Lancia merged with Fiat's racing team, and based on Fiat's decision the team would develop their new racecar using the Beta Montecarlo instead of the Stratos. Keeping the center monocoque intact, front and rear tubular frame were added in addition to an Abarth turbo charger. The whole package completed the Group 5 machine that was the Beta Montecarlo Turbo.
The Beta Montecarlo Turbo made its first race debut in 1979, and would join the World Sportscar Championships fully in the following year. It won the World Championship for Makes in 1980 and 1981 for the Under 2000cc class. Outside of the World Sportscar Championships it also joined Giro d'Italia, and while it was disqualified due to regulation violations in 1979 (despite winning first and second place otherwise) it managed a one-two finish in the following year.
As endurance race regulations changed to Group C in 1982, the Beta Montecarlo Turbo no longer saw any action on the road. However the monocoque and body design would be carried over to the Group B machine - the Rally 037.
[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]
- a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, etching, metal turned parts, rubber tires, decals and various cords allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
- aluminum turned parts used for center lock, wheel shaft and light rims.
- front cowl can be removed, and rear cowl/doors can be opened/closed allowing full view of the detailed interior after completion. Side windows can also be opened/closed.
[ バリエーション -Variations- ]

- based on car no. 576 that G.Villeneuve and W.Rohrl raced at Giro d'Italia in 1979. Features a short body/rear frame not found in later version of the car. Includes circuit/slick tires.

・1980年 LM 24hours仕様をモデル化しました。79年タイプとは異なるロングボディタイプ。レッドカラーの51号車と、ブルーカラーの52号車を選択できます。
- based on the version that ran at the 24 hours of Le Mans in 1980. Features a long body compared to the 1979 build. Either the red colour car no 51 and blue colour car no 52 can be built from this version.

#67 B.Gabbiani / E.Pirro
・マルティニカラーの1981年 LM 24hours仕様をモデル化。80年型から大型化されたリアタイヤ/ホイール、形状の異なる右サイドカウル等、81年型の特徴を再現しました。
- based on the version that ran at the 24 hours of Le Mans in 1981 featuring Martini colours. features larger rear wheels/tires and a different right side cowl etc. compared to the 1980 version.
[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]
[ 2018年7月発売 / July 2018 released ]