[ VINCENT Late Type について -About the VINCENT Late Type- ]
元戦闘機パイロットであり、エンジニアでもあったイギリス人レーサー、ハワード・R・デイビスは高性能なレーシング&スポーツバイクを世に送り出すべく1924年にオートバイメーカーHRDを設立します。そこで作られたバイクはレースで活躍しその性能を世に知らしめましたが、一方で会社は経営難に陥ります。デイビスは会社を売却し、ケンブリッジ大学工学部を卒業したばかり、若干20歳の若きエンジニアであったフィル・ヴィンセントが買い取り、1928年、”The Vincent HRD Company Ltd”が誕生します。そこで彼が理想とするレーシング&スポーツバイクを数多く生産していくこととなります。その後、新たに加わったエンジニア、フィル・アービングがエンジン設計に携わるようになり、1936年には時速100マイル(160km/h)を可能にした988cc50度Vツインエンジンの”シリーズAラパイド”が発売され、”最速スポーツバイク”の称号を得ることとなります。
Motorcycle maker HRD was first found in 1924 by Howard R Davis, a former English war pilot who had dreamed of designing high powered sports bikes of his own. While HRD was able to win races, the company ran at a loss and Davis was forced to sell his company. Eventually the company ended up under the hands of Phil Vincent, a young engineer in his 20s who was a fresh graduate from Cambridge University. In 1928 the company was renamed “The Vincent HRD Company Ltd.”, and various racing and sport bikes were built and produced under Vincent’s vision. A few years later, engineer Phil Irving joined the company as engine designer, and in 1936 the company created the “Series A Rapide” – a motorcycle equipped with a 988cc 50 degree V twin engine and capable of going up with speeds of 100 miles per hour (160km/h), earning it the title of “fastest sports bike” during its time.
After the events of World War II, Vincent went back into sports-motorcycle production, and in 1947 an upgrade to the Series B Rapide was introduced featuring new cams, pistons, and capacitors. While having a similar appearance to the Rapide series, the new line of motorcycles were equipped with an unusual black painted engine, earning it the name “Black Shadow”. Topping at speeds of 120 miles per hour (200km/h), the Black Shadow was renowned for its high performance and class, defining the Vincent brand as the top motorcycle maker of its era.
The Series B Rapide was further followed by a Series C with retained most aspects of the Series B but with minor changes. While the overall body and design remain the same, Series C featured a "gridraulic" front fork that replaced the original girder fork, giving a new look to the overall appearance to the bike. The front fork originally equipped with friction dampers was now replaced with hydraulic shock absorbers, a first in it's time. Another major change was the logo switch from H.R.D. to VINCENT on the tank and various emblems, as the company had decided to drop the name from the logo design.
The Series C Vincent will be the latest entry to our 1/9 Scale Full Detail Kit lineup.
[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]
- based off the later build of Vincent motorcycles made in the post war era.
- a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, etching, metal plated parts, rubber parts and silk screen decals allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
- moveable bike chain built from a combination of etching and metal parts.
- spokes made from stainless pipe, paired together with metal rim for a realistic representation.
- Combination of etching and metal parts used to replicate the brake drum/cooling fins which was upgraded from the Rapide.
- “VINCENT” logo and various marks/emblems not found on earlier models embedded into parts.
- additional pre-plated parts included to further represent the majesticity of the Black Shadow.
[ バリエーション -Variations- ]
●K621 - Ver.A : Black Shadow 1950
・イギリス製モーターサイクルの頂点として揺るぎない地位を確立したブラックシャドウのなかで、そのスタイリングとして世界的に最も良く知られることとなったこのシリーズCのモデルをキット化しました。 ・特徴的なフロントフォーク周辺は新設計のパーツで、タンクやフレームのエンブレムを含めたデカールも専用となっており、エンジンやステップのゴムに至るまで車体各部のロゴも新規パーツで再現しています。
- based on the Series "C" Black Shadow, branded as top in both style and performance for English built motorcycles.
- brand new parts designed for the front fork section, along with new set of decals for the emblems featured on the tank and frame. New engine parts/rubber parts for the step also included showing the new logo.
●K622 - Ver.B : “White Shadow”
- based on the "White Shadow", a limited variant of the Series C Black Shadow that came with an unpainted engine (hence the "white" in the name). Various parts of the body was painted in red as opposed to the usual black. Come with front brake parts based on the "Black Lightning, a racing variant of the Black Shadow.
[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]
[ 2017年10月発売 / October 2017 released / 2023年10月価格改定 ]