[ 917K [1970] について -About the 917K [1970]- ]
The 917 was first debuted in the prototype sports car race in 1969, and was upgraded when Works asked John Wyer Automotive Engineering to enhance the machine's aerodynamics aspect. Thus the short-tail version of 917K was debuted.
In the 1970 season the 917K conquered most of the endurance races and won the international makers championship and the overall champion in the 24-hour race held at Circuit de la Sarthe.
[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]
- a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, photo etching, silk screen decals, vacuum parts, turned metal parts etc.
- design based off 1/12 scale kit designed with simpler building scheme in mind without losing focus on preservation of detail
- front bonnet/rear cowl can be removed, allowing full view of the detailed interior after completion.
- The interior frame of the body will be made of Laser Lithography unibody parts.
- Includes driver figure on seat.
[ バリエーション -Variations- ]
K601 - Ver.A : 1970 Daytona 24hours [Automotive Engineering] #1 J. Siffert/B.Redman / #2 P.Rodriguez/L.Kinnunen
・Automotive Engineeringチームの917Kは1970年Daytona 24hoursレースにおいて2番車が優勝、1番車も2位に入り1-2フィニッシュを決める活躍を見せました。Gulfカラーを纏ったこのデイトナ優勝仕様をモデル化。
- based on the version used by the Automotive Engineering team in 1970 Daytona 24 hours race. Car #2 won the race and Car #1 finished at the second place. Both cars were painted in "Gulf" colour.
K602 - Ver.B : 1970 LM 24hours [Automotive Engineering] #20 J.Siffert/B.Redman / #21 P.Rodriguez/L.Kinnunen / #22 D.Hobbs/M.Hailwood
・Gulfカラーで1970年のLM 24hoursレースに参戦した3台をモデル化。1970年Daytona 24hoursレース参戦車(Ver.A)とは異なるワイドリヤカウル仕様を立体化しました。
- based on the version used by the Automotive Engineering team in the 1970 Sarthe 24 hours race. All cars were painted in "Gulf colour" but features a wide rear cowl compared with Ver.A.
K603 - Ver.C : 1970 LM 24hours [KG Salzburg] #23 H.Herrmann/R.Attwood / 1970 Watkins Glen 6hours [KG Salzburg] #31 Vic Elford/D.Hulme/#32 K.Ahrens/R.Attwood
・1970年のSarthe 24hoursレースで優勝したKG Salzburgチームの赤いボディカラーの917Kと、Watkins Glen 6hoursレース出場の同チーム・青いボディカラーの917K、その両仕様をキット化。
- based on the KG Salzburg team red colour 917K which won the 1970 Sarthe 24 hours race, and the blue colour 917K which won the Watkins Glen 6 hours race from the same team.
K604 - Ver.D : 1970 Watkins Glen 6hours [International Maltini&Rossi Racing Team] #35 G.V.Lennep/G.Larrousse / 1970 Interserie Rd.2 Hockenheim [International Maltini&Rossi Racing Team] #12 G.V.Lennep
- based on the two green/purple "psychedelic" coloured 917k that raced at Watkins Glen 6 Hours and Interserie Rd.2 Hockenheim respectively.<
K605 - Ver.E : 1970 Paris 1000km [International Maltini&Rossi Racing Team] #2 G.V.Lennep/G.Larrousse / 1970 Kyalami 9Hours [International Maltini&Rossi Racing Team] #2 J.Siffert / K.Ahrens
- based on the yellow/red "psychedelic" coloured 917k that raced at Paris 1000km and Kyalami 9 Hours.<
K606 - Ver.F : 1970 Daytona 24hours [KG Salzburg] #3 Vic Elford/K.Ahrens
・1970年Daytona 24hoursレースに出場したKG Salzburgチームの917Kを再現しました。ワイドリヤカウル仕様。
- based on KG Salzburg team's entry for the Daytona 24 hours race. Features a wide rear cowl.<
[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]
[ 2017年7月発売 / July 2017 released ]
The 917 was first debuted in the prototype sports car race in 1969, and was upgraded when Works asked John Wyer Automotive Engineering to enhance the machine's aerodynamics aspect. Thus the short-tail version of 917K was debuted.
In the 1970 season the 917K conquered most of the endurance races and won the international makers championship and the overall champion in the 24-hour race held at Circuit de la Sarthe.
[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]
- a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, photo etching, silk screen decals, vacuum parts, turned metal parts etc.
- design based off 1/12 scale kit designed with simpler building scheme in mind without losing focus on preservation of detail
- front bonnet/rear cowl can be removed, allowing full view of the detailed interior after completion.
- The interior frame of the body will be made of Laser Lithography unibody parts.
- Includes driver figure on seat.
[ バリエーション -Variations- ]
K601 - Ver.A : 1970 Daytona 24hours [Automotive Engineering] #1 J. Siffert/B.Redman / #2 P.Rodriguez/L.Kinnunen
・Automotive Engineeringチームの917Kは1970年Daytona 24hoursレースにおいて2番車が優勝、1番車も2位に入り1-2フィニッシュを決める活躍を見せました。Gulfカラーを纏ったこのデイトナ優勝仕様をモデル化。
- based on the version used by the Automotive Engineering team in 1970 Daytona 24 hours race. Car #2 won the race and Car #1 finished at the second place. Both cars were painted in "Gulf" colour.
K602 - Ver.B : 1970 LM 24hours [Automotive Engineering] #20 J.Siffert/B.Redman / #21 P.Rodriguez/L.Kinnunen / #22 D.Hobbs/M.Hailwood
・Gulfカラーで1970年のLM 24hoursレースに参戦した3台をモデル化。1970年Daytona 24hoursレース参戦車(Ver.A)とは異なるワイドリヤカウル仕様を立体化しました。
- based on the version used by the Automotive Engineering team in the 1970 Sarthe 24 hours race. All cars were painted in "Gulf colour" but features a wide rear cowl compared with Ver.A.
K603 - Ver.C : 1970 LM 24hours [KG Salzburg] #23 H.Herrmann/R.Attwood / 1970 Watkins Glen 6hours [KG Salzburg] #31 Vic Elford/D.Hulme/#32 K.Ahrens/R.Attwood
・1970年のSarthe 24hoursレースで優勝したKG Salzburgチームの赤いボディカラーの917Kと、Watkins Glen 6hoursレース出場の同チーム・青いボディカラーの917K、その両仕様をキット化。
- based on the KG Salzburg team red colour 917K which won the 1970 Sarthe 24 hours race, and the blue colour 917K which won the Watkins Glen 6 hours race from the same team.
K604 - Ver.D : 1970 Watkins Glen 6hours [International Maltini&Rossi Racing Team] #35 G.V.Lennep/G.Larrousse / 1970 Interserie Rd.2 Hockenheim [International Maltini&Rossi Racing Team] #12 G.V.Lennep
- based on the two green/purple "psychedelic" coloured 917k that raced at Watkins Glen 6 Hours and Interserie Rd.2 Hockenheim respectively.<
K605 - Ver.E : 1970 Paris 1000km [International Maltini&Rossi Racing Team] #2 G.V.Lennep/G.Larrousse / 1970 Kyalami 9Hours [International Maltini&Rossi Racing Team] #2 J.Siffert / K.Ahrens
- based on the yellow/red "psychedelic" coloured 917k that raced at Paris 1000km and Kyalami 9 Hours.<
K606 - Ver.F : 1970 Daytona 24hours [KG Salzburg] #3 Vic Elford/K.Ahrens
・1970年Daytona 24hoursレースに出場したKG Salzburgチームの917Kを再現しました。ワイドリヤカウル仕様。
- based on KG Salzburg team's entry for the Daytona 24 hours race. Features a wide rear cowl.<
[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]
[ 2017年7月発売 / July 2017 released ]