[ XJR-9 LMについて -About the XJR-9 LM- ]
XJR-9は1988年の耐久選手権でライバル勢と激しい接戦を演じ、その帰趨を決めるべく、高速セッティングを施されたXJR-9 LMをもってルマンに参戦。そしてXJR-9 LMは、ワークスとして31年ぶり、英国車として29年ぶりの優勝を飾ったのでした。XJR-9は翌年もルマンをはじめとしたレースを戦い、90年代のXJR-12までこのマシンパッケージで各レースにおいて活躍しました。
In the early 1980's, TWR (Tom Walkinshaw Racing) paired with a manufacturing team to enter various racecars into the European Touring Car Championships. In 1985, the XJR-6 was developed for Group C endurance racing.
In contrast with other race cars in that period that mainly ran on turbo engines, the XJR-6 was equipped with a non turbo 7 liter 12V engine, shifted slightly forward to offset balance its heavy weight. Radiators were designed to be located in the front, and the monocoque was made of carbon fiber. This general design was carried over to the XJR-8 in 1987, and also into the XJR-9 that debuted in 1988.
Upon its debut, the XJR-9 became a major threat to rivals in endurance races. Extending its success into other areas, the XJR-9 LM (developed with a higher straight line speed) was prepared specifically for Le Mans, effectively ending a 31 year Le Mans victory drought for the manufacturer, at the same time fetching a victory for an English car for the first time in 29 years. The XJR-9 also debuted in the following year in Le Mans, and up until the XJR-12 in 1990 XJRs of similar base designs were featured in various races during that time period.
[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]
- a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, photo etching, silk screen decals, vacuum parts etc.
- design based off 1/12 scale kit designed with simpler building scheme in mind without losing focus on preservation of detail.
- front/rear cowl can be removed, allowing full view of the detailed interior after completion.
- pre-printed sponsor logos featured on tires.
[ バリエーション -Variations- ]
K590 Ver.A :1988 LM
Winner #2 Lammers/Dumfries/Wallace / #1 Brundle/Nielsen / #3 Watson/Boesel/Pescarolo / #21 Sullivan/Jones/Cobb / #22 Daly/Perkins/Cogan
・based off the design which won in 1988 Le Mans.
K591 Ver.B :1989 LM
#3 Jones/Daly/Kline / #4 Ferté/Salazar/Ferté
・based off the design which races in 1989 Le Mans. Parts included to change differences in the outlets on the front cowl compared to 1988 version. Intakes located at the top/both sides of the rear engine have been removed and replaces by multiple NACA ducts.
・intake at the top removed at rear cowl and body flows naturally connecting to the center body, imitating the design of car #3 and #4.
[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]
[ 2017年5月発売 / May 2017 Released / 2023年8月価格改定 ]