[ Rally 037について -About the Rally 037- ]
フィアットのモータースポーツ部門を担うアバルトにより80年代の世界ラリー選手権に投入されたグループBマシンがRally 037です。
グループ5マシンであるベータ・モンテカルロのモノコックを流用し、ボディデザインはピニンファリーナが担当、直列4気筒DOHCスーパーチャージャー搭載のミッドシップエンジン・リヤドライブ方式で開発されたRally 037は、1982年にデビュー。
The Rally 037 debuted in the year 1982. The monocoque was based on the Group 5 machine Lancia Montecarlo, in addition to the body designed by Pininfarina, with the vertical 4-valve DOHC supercharger mid-ship engine.
The rear-drive Rally 037 had fought the Audi Quattro, installed with 4WD and turbo engines with great results, especially she won many races in 1983, helping Abarth to win the Manufacturers' title.
After the great season the circuit mainstream switched to 4WD and turbo machine, the Rally 037 was replaced by its successor S4 and became the last MR machine that won a title in the racing history.
[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]
– a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, etching, metal turned parts, vacuum parts, rubber tires, silk screen decals allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
– front cowl, rear cowl and bonnet designed as separate parts allowing them to be removable to show full view of the detailed interior after completion.
– tire pre-printed with maker logo
[ バリエーション -Variations- ]
K504 - Ver.F :
1984 WRC Rd.4 Safari Rally #7 Alén/Kivimaki
1986 WRC Rd.4 Safari Rally #3 Alén/Kivimaki
・while the works team entered the Delta S4 for most of the 1986 season, they decided to focus on reliability and entered the 037 in hopes to win the Safari Rally. While it missed the opportunity to take first place, driver M.Alen managed to take 3rd place, marking the last race for the 037 after representing the works team for 5 years. This model is based on this final race, and also includes decal designs needed to create the 1984 Safari Rally make as well.
Includes gravel tires, high suspension parts, block tire, animal guard, roof spare tire and side lightpods as used during the Safari race.

[ 2019年11月発売 / November 2019 released ]