[ EAGLE Gurney-Weslakeについて -About the EAGLE Gurney-Weslake- ]
1964年、D.Gurneyは米国内レースの為にAll American Racers (AAR) チームを自ら設立、次いで1966年、Anglo-American Racers を立ち上げF1グランプリに参戦しました。チームのマシンはアメリカの象徴に因んで “eagle” と名づけられ、3000ccウェスレイクV12エンジンを搭載したEagle Gurney-Weslake (T1G) は、1967年スパにおいてついにチーム初優勝を飾ります。これはヨーロッパ偏重のF1グランプリにあって、Gurneyが強く望みそして自ら成し遂げた”オールアメリカン”での象徴的な勝利でした。
In the year of 1964, D. Gurney set up the team “All American Racers” (AAR) for the development of domestic racing. 2 years later, he formed the team “Anglo-Americal Racers” to join the F1 fight.The team machine “EAGLE” was named after the symbol of the country. The Eagle Gurney-Weslake (T1G), installed with a 3000cc Weslake V12 engine, won her first race at Spa in the year of 1967. Gurney made the symbolic winning history to the F1 society that was overwhelmed by the European countries.
[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]
■EAGLE Gurney-Weslakeの中でも、D.Gurney用に作られたシャシーナンバー”AAR-104”のマシンをモデル化。この”104″は、同型のEagleの中でもマグネシウムとチタンを使用し軽量化が図られたスペシャルな1台でした。
- This kit is a multi-material kit made of white metal, resin, lathe-cutting metals, photo etch parts, vacuum-shaping PVC, rubber tyres, silk-screen printed decals, and various cords.
- This kit is based on the EAGLE Gurney-Weslake with the chassis number “AAR-104”. This car was the only one that used Titanium-magnesium alloy to lighten the body.
- Funnel mesh is already completed pressing and plating. The rear part of the muffler is made of stainless pipe with the real texture experience.
- The D. Gurney figure (driving style) is included. Together with goggles, vacuum-shaping PVC, and decals.
- The rubber tyres are already printed with the maker logo.

[ バリエーション -Variations- ]
●K509 - Ver.A : 1967 Rd.3 Dutch GP / Rd.4 Belgian GP
- This version is based on the victory race at Belgian GP raced by D.Gurney.

●K510 - Ver.B : 1967 Rd.5 French GP / Rd.6 British GP / Rd.7 German GP / Rd.9 Italian GP / Rd.10 U.S. GP / Rd.11 Mexican GP
- This version is based on the late type in the 1967 season which small parts is different.

[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]

[ 2024年5月価格改定 ]