[ Rally 037について -About the Rally 037- ]
フィアットのモータースポーツ部門を担うアバルトにより80年代の世界ラリー選手権に投入されたグループBマシンがRally 037です。
グループ5マシンであるベータ・モンテカルロのモノコックを流用し、ボディデザインはピニンファリーナが担当、直列4気筒DOHCスーパーチャージャー搭載のミッドシップエンジン・リヤドライブ方式で開発されたRally 037は、1982年にデビュー。
The Rally 037 debuted in the year 1982. The monocoque was based on the Group 5 machine Lancia Montecarlo, in addition to the body designed by Pininfarina, with the vertical 4-valve DOHC supercharger mid-ship engine.
The rear-drive Rally 037 had fought the Audi Quattro, installed with 4WD and turbo engines with great results, especially she won many races in 1983, helping Abarth to win the Manufacturers' title.
After the great season the circuit mainstream switched to 4WD and turbo machine, the Rally 037 was replaced by its successor S4 and became the last MR machine that won a title in the racing history.
[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]
– a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, etching, metal turned parts, vacuum parts, rubber tires, silk screen decals allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
– front cowl, rear cowl and bonnet designed as separate parts allowing them to be removable to show full view of the detailed interior after completion.
[ バリエーション -Variations- ]

K504 - Ver.A : 1983 WRC Rd.1 Monte Carlo #1 Röhrl/Geistdorfer
- Based on the first WRC race in 1983 that saw the 037 place first and second on the Monte Carlo stage. Comes with rear bumper and light pod on the front cowl.

K505 - Ver.B : 1984 WRC Rd.5 Tour de Corse #5 Alén/Kivimaki / 1984 WRC Rd.10 San Remo #4 Bettega/Perissinot
- Based on the car that bought M.Alén to victory at 84 Tour de Corse, and A. Bettega a 2nd place finish at 84 San Remo. The rear bumper is removed, and the engine is the EVO.2 version which differs slightly in design compared to the 83 version.

K506 - Ver.C : Jolly Club Totip 1983 WRC Rd.10 San Remo #18 Biasion/Siviero
・Totipカラーをまといワークスに次ぐ成績を残した Jolly Club Totipのマシンをモデル化しました。リアバンパーを装備したEVO1モデルを立体化。またワークスと異なるリアホイールも再現。
- Based on the Totip color version used by the Jolly Club Totip team. Make is based on EVO.1 version which includes rear bumper. Unique rear wheel used by the team is also included in this version.

K507 - Ver.D : Jolly Club Totip 1984 WRC Rd.5 Tour de Corse #9 Biasion/Siviero
・1984年のツールドコルスにおいて、ワークスのアレンに次いで2位に入ったビアシオンのJolly Club Totipをモデル化。Ver.Dの前年型とは異なるストライプが特徴的なTotipカラーを持ち、リアバンパーの無いEVO2モデルを立体化しました。
- Based on the Jolly Club Totip entry in 1984 Tour de Corse where Biasion was able to snatch 2nd place after the main works team snatched first through Alen. Includes decals that varies slightly from ver C., and based off the rear bumper-less EVO.2 version.

K508 - Ver.E : H.F.Grifone SRL 1984 WRC Rd.10 San Remo #11 Tabaton/Tedeschini
・1984年のサンレモラリーで4位に入ったH.F.Grifone SRLチームのマシンをモデル化。EVO2モデル。
- Based on the H.F.Grifone SRL team entry in 1984. who finished 4th at San Remo; EVO.2 model.
[ 2019年11月発売 / November 2019 released ]
フィアットのモータースポーツ部門を担うアバルトにより80年代の世界ラリー選手権に投入されたグループBマシンがRally 037です。
グループ5マシンであるベータ・モンテカルロのモノコックを流用し、ボディデザインはピニンファリーナが担当、直列4気筒DOHCスーパーチャージャー搭載のミッドシップエンジン・リヤドライブ方式で開発されたRally 037は、1982年にデビュー。
The Rally 037 debuted in the year 1982. The monocoque was based on the Group 5 machine Lancia Montecarlo, in addition to the body designed by Pininfarina, with the vertical 4-valve DOHC supercharger mid-ship engine.
The rear-drive Rally 037 had fought the Audi Quattro, installed with 4WD and turbo engines with great results, especially she won many races in 1983, helping Abarth to win the Manufacturers' title.
After the great season the circuit mainstream switched to 4WD and turbo machine, the Rally 037 was replaced by its successor S4 and became the last MR machine that won a title in the racing history.
[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]
– a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, etching, metal turned parts, vacuum parts, rubber tires, silk screen decals allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
– front cowl, rear cowl and bonnet designed as separate parts allowing them to be removable to show full view of the detailed interior after completion.
[ バリエーション -Variations- ]

K504 - Ver.A : 1983 WRC Rd.1 Monte Carlo #1 Röhrl/Geistdorfer
- Based on the first WRC race in 1983 that saw the 037 place first and second on the Monte Carlo stage. Comes with rear bumper and light pod on the front cowl.

K505 - Ver.B : 1984 WRC Rd.5 Tour de Corse #5 Alén/Kivimaki / 1984 WRC Rd.10 San Remo #4 Bettega/Perissinot
- Based on the car that bought M.Alén to victory at 84 Tour de Corse, and A. Bettega a 2nd place finish at 84 San Remo. The rear bumper is removed, and the engine is the EVO.2 version which differs slightly in design compared to the 83 version.

K506 - Ver.C : Jolly Club Totip 1983 WRC Rd.10 San Remo #18 Biasion/Siviero
・Totipカラーをまといワークスに次ぐ成績を残した Jolly Club Totipのマシンをモデル化しました。リアバンパーを装備したEVO1モデルを立体化。またワークスと異なるリアホイールも再現。
- Based on the Totip color version used by the Jolly Club Totip team. Make is based on EVO.1 version which includes rear bumper. Unique rear wheel used by the team is also included in this version.

K507 - Ver.D : Jolly Club Totip 1984 WRC Rd.5 Tour de Corse #9 Biasion/Siviero
・1984年のツールドコルスにおいて、ワークスのアレンに次いで2位に入ったビアシオンのJolly Club Totipをモデル化。Ver.Dの前年型とは異なるストライプが特徴的なTotipカラーを持ち、リアバンパーの無いEVO2モデルを立体化しました。
- Based on the Jolly Club Totip entry in 1984 Tour de Corse where Biasion was able to snatch 2nd place after the main works team snatched first through Alen. Includes decals that varies slightly from ver C., and based off the rear bumper-less EVO.2 version.

K508 - Ver.E : H.F.Grifone SRL 1984 WRC Rd.10 San Remo #11 Tabaton/Tedeschini
・1984年のサンレモラリーで4位に入ったH.F.Grifone SRLチームのマシンをモデル化。EVO2モデル。
- Based on the H.F.Grifone SRL team entry in 1984. who finished 4th at San Remo; EVO.2 model.
[ 2019年11月発売 / November 2019 released ]