1/43scale Multi-Material Kit : EAGLE Gurney-Weslake

[ EAGLE Gurney-Weslakeについて - About the EAGLE Gurney-Weslake - ]

■1964年、D.Gurneyは米国内レースの為にAll American Racers (AAR) チームを自ら設立、次いで1966年、Anglo-American Racers を立ち上げF1グランプリに参戦しました。
チームのマシンはアメリカの象徴に因んで "eagle" と名づけられ、1967年に3000ccウェスレイクV12エンジンを搭載したEagle Gurney-Weslake (T1G) は、スパにおいてついにチーム初優勝を飾ります。これはヨーロッパ偏重のF1グランプリにあって、Gurneyが強く望みそして自ら成し遂げた"オールアメリカン"での象徴的な勝利でした。

- D.Gurney set up the All American Racers (AAR) team for racing within the US in 1964, and for the first time join the F1 Grand Prix in the year 1966 by the name of Anglo-American Racers.
The team machine named after the american symbol "Eagle" , the Eagle T1G with the 3000cc Westlake V12 engine installed won the first champion in the 1967 GP season. The symbolic winning of Gurney's "All American" team had changed the atmosphere which is particularly emphasized on the Europe side.

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]

■1/43スケールキットのラインナップ第一弾は、1/20スケールキットでもご好評いただいている"Eagle Gurney-Weslake (T1G)"です。 そのEagle Gurney-WeslakeでD.Gurneyが記念すべき勝利をあげた1967年ベルギーGPでの仕様を再現しました。

- The new 1/43 scale series from MFH.
The 1/43 scale kit series target for the perfect balance of the precise as the 1/20 scale full detail kits, the presentation of the details and easy assemble.
Main parts are made of white metal, and other alloy metals, rubber tires, piping, decal sheets are included, the same way that the 1/20 scale kit does.
- The first kit for the 1/43scale lineup is the "Eagle T1G" which receiving high level of satisfaction.And this kit is based on the memorial 1967 Belgium GP of D. Gurney.
- The symbolic Weslake V12 Engine of the T1G is modelled with all details and the specially shaped nose together with the interior parts are also being modelled as the real car is.

●K329 - 1/43scale Multi-Material Kit : EAGLE Gurney-Weslake
1967 Belgium GP #36 D. Gurney

1/43scale Multi-Material Kit : EAGLE Gurney-Weslake


14,300円 (本体 13,000円、税 1,300円)

購入数: pcs


返品期限・条件 返品についての詳細はこちら
