1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : 936/77

[ 936/77について -About the 936/77- ]

936は、908/3や917/30といった70年代前半に活躍したマシンの流れを汲む、軽量なアルミのスペースフレーム・シャシーと空力性能に長けたFRP製ボディが採用されています。エンジンは、911ターボRSRに採用されたものを改良した2.1リッター水平対向 6 気筒ツインターボエンジンを搭載。これまでワークス開発チームが培ってきた速さと信頼性を併せ持つマシンとしてサーキットに登場しました。そして936はその実力を遺憾なく発揮し、1976年の世界スポーツカー選手権タイトルを獲得、またこの年のルマンも制しました。
翌77年、ワークスの936はスポーツカー選手権から撤退しましたが、ルマンでは6 台ものマシンを投入したライバルのルノー勢を抑えて勝利し、2連覇を果たしました。

After conquering Le Mans in 1970, and continuing to dominate the sportscar scene in both Europe and North America, the works team put the 917 to rest due to regulation changes in 1973. In 1976, Group 6 was reclassified to contest for the World Championship for Sports cars, while Group 5 contested for the World Championship for Makes series. .To enter the World Championship for Sports Cars series the works team developed the 936.
Carrying over previous designs from the successful 908/3 and 917/30, the 936 featured a light aluminum space frame chassis and an aerodynamically reliable FRP-based body. The engine was a 2.1 liter flat-6 twin turbo, an upgrade of what was used by the 911 Turbo RSR. The speed and reliability nurtured from the previous designs was combined by the team into this new vehicle, and it showed its strength clearly on the road, winning both the World Sportscar title and the Le Mans on its year of debut in 1976.
In the following year of 1977, the works team retired from the World Championship for Sports Car series but continued to participate in Le Mans. The rivaling Renault team was unable to stop them despite entering 6 cars, and the works team was able to claim a back to back victory at Le Mans.
The 936 managed several other accomplishments for the team in the following years, including 2nd place at Le Mans in 1978 and 1980, and a third 1st place victory in 1981. It continued to race until it was replaced by the Group C car, the 956.

[ キット概要 -Kit Details- ]

■1976年から1981年にかけて活躍した936の中で、1977年にルマンを制した4番車 ( J.Barth / H.Haywood / J.Ickx )をモデル化しました。

- based on the 936 car #4 driven by J.Barth/H.Haywood/J.Ickx, the winning car at 1977 Le Mans.
- a full detailed, multi-material kit featuring white metal, resin, etching, metal turned parts, rubber tires, silk-screen decals and various cords allowing for maximum representation of the original vehicle.
- aluminum turned parts used for wheels, headlight rim, wheel shaft and lock nut.
- front and rear cowl removable, and doors open and close allowing for full view of the detailed interior after completion.
- pre-printed sponsor logos featured on tires.

[ パーツ・リスト -Parts List- ]

●K755 - 1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : 936/77
1977 LM winner #4 J.Barth / H.Haywood / J.Ickx

[ 2020年10月発売 / October 2020 released ]

1/12scale Fulldetail Kit : 936/77


82,500円 (本体 75,000円、税 7,500円)

購入数: pcs
返品期限・条件 返品についての詳細はこちら
